- Two-photon absorption with photonic-dimer coherent states
Manuscript in preparation. Qihang Liu and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Evaluation of quantum nonlinearity in waveguide-QED systems using deep neural networks
Manuscript submitted. Yao Zhou, Zihao Chen, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Disentanglement process in dephasing channel with machine learning
Manuscript in preparation. Qihang Liu, Anran Qiao, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Quantum mechanical modeling of the multi-stage Stern–Gerlach experiment conducted by Frisch and Segrè
New Journal of Physics, 26 073005 (2024). S Süleyman Kahraman, Kelvin Titimbo, Zhe He, Jung-Tsung Shen and Lihong V Wang.
- Quantum multiphoton Rabi oscillations in waveguide QED
New Journal of Physics, 26 103026 (2024). Debsuvra Mukhopadhyay and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- First-order optical coherence of photonic-dimer coherent states
Optics Letters, 49, 3496-3499 (2024). Qihang Liu and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Coherent states of photonic dimers
Physical Review A, 108, 053705 (2023). Qihang Liu, Yao Zhou and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Photonic Fock state generation using superradiance
Optics Letters, 47, 4576-4579 (2022). Qihang Liu and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Ultrafast reconfigurable optical logic gates using a nonlinear metallodielectric grating
Optics Letters Vol. 46, Issue 11, pp. 2782-2785 (2021). Anthony Corbin and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Two-photon controlled-phase gates enabled by photonic dimers
Physical Review A, 103, 052610 (2021). Zihao Chen, Yao Zhou, Pei-Cheng Ku, Duncan Steel, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Correlation signatures for a coherent three-photon scattering in waveguide quantum electrodynamics [pdf]
Optics Letters, 45, 2559-2562 (2020). Zihao Chen, Yao Zhou, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Single-photon superradiance in waveguide-quantum-electrodynamical systems with whispering-gallery-mode resonators [pdf]
Physical Review A, 101, 043831(2020). Yao Zhou, Zihao Chen, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Efficient two-photon excitation by photonic dimers
Optics Letters, 44, 475 (2018). Yao Zhou, Zihao Chen, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Entanglement-preserving approach for reservoir-induced photonic dissipation in waveguide QED systems
Physical Review A, 98, 053830 (2018). Zihao Chen, Yao Zhou, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Dissipation-induced photonic correlation transition in waveguide QED systems
Physical Review A, 96, 053805 (2017). Zihao Chen, Yao Zhou, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Single-photon superradiant emission rate scaling for atoms trapped in a photonic waveguide
Physical Review A, 95, 043832 (2017).Yao Zhou, Zihao Chen, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Exact dissipation model for arbitrary photonic Fock state transport in waveguide QED systems
Optics Letters, Vol. 42, pp. 887-890 (2017). Zihao Chen, Yao Zhou, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Photon antibunching and bunching in a ring-resonator waveguide quantum electrodynamics system
Optics Letters, 41, 3313 (2016). Zihao Chen, Yao Zhou, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Photonic Fock states scattering in waveguide QED and their correlation functions
Physical Review A 92, 033803 (2015). Yuecheng Shen, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Architecture dependence of photon antibunching in cavity quantum electrodynamics [pdf]
Physical Review A 92, 023810 (2015). Matthew Bradford, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Perturbative and Iterative methods for photon transport in one-dimensional waveguides [pdf]
Optics Communications, Vol 343, pp. 135-139 (2015). Kenechukwu C. Obi, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Numerical Approach to Statistical Properties of Resonance Fluorescence [pdf]
Optics Letters, Vol. 39, pp. 5558-5561 (2014). Matthew Bradford, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Ultralong photonic nanojet formed by a two-layer dielectric microsphere [pdf]
Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 14, pp. 4120-4123 (2014). Yuecheng Shen, Lihong V. Wang, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Low-threshold optical bistabilities in ultrathin nonlinear metamaterials [pdf]
Optics Letters, Vol. 39, Issue 11, pp. 3212-3215 (2014). Shiwei Tang, Baocheng Zhu, Shiyi Xiao, Jung-Tsung Shen, and Lei Zhou.
- Deep subwavelength optical imaging using correlated nano-torches [pdf]
Applied Physics Letters Vol. 103, 201119 (2013). Yuecheng Shen, Lihong V. Wang, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Spontaneous emission in cavity-QED with a terminated waveguide [pdf]
Physical Review A 87, 063830 (2013). Matthew Bradford and Jung-Tsung Shen. - Orders of magnitude enhancement of optical nonlinearity in subwavelength metal-nonlinear dielectric gratings [pdf]
- Numerical investigation of Rayleigh nanoparticle sensing using a whispering-gallery-mode resonator [pdf]
Journal of the Optical Society of America B Vol. 29, 2897 (2012). Yuecheng Shen and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Statistical theory of nanoparticle sensing using a whispering-gallery-mode resonator [pdf]
Physical Review A 85, 063808 (2012). Yuecheng Shen, Da-Ren Chen, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Single-photon frequency conversion by exploiting quantum interference [pdf]
Physical Review A 85, 043814 (2012). Matthew Bradford and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Efficient single-photon frequency conversion using a Sagnac interferometer [pdf]
Physical Review Letters 108, 103902 (2012). Matthew Bradford, Kenechukwu C. Obi, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Nanoparticle sensing using whispering-gallery-mode resonators: Plasmonic and Rayleigh scatterers [pdf]
Physical Review A 85, 013801 (2012). Yuecheng Shen and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Single-photon diode by exploiting the photon polarization in a waveguide [pdf]
Physical Review Letters 107, 173902 (2011). Yuecheng Shen, Matthew Bradford, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
Press coverage: Featured in “Research Highlights” of Nature Photonics 6, 4-5 (2012). [link]
- Controlling resonant photonic transport along optical waveguides by two-level atoms [pdf]
Physical Review A 84, 045801 (2011). Cong-Hua Yan, Lian-Fu Wei, Wen-Zhi Jia, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Input-Output Formalism For Few-Photon Transport in One-Dimensional Nanophotonic Waveguides Coupled to a Qubit [pdf]
Physical Review A 82, 063821 (2010). Shanhui Fan, Sukru Ekin Kocabas, and Jung-Tsung Shen.
- Quantum critical coupling conditions for zero single-photon transmission through a coupled atom-resonator-waveguide system[pdf]
Physical Review A Volume 82, 021802(R) (Rapid Communication) (2010). Jung-Tsung Shen, and Shanhui Fan
- Full inversion of a two-level atom with a single-photon pulse in one-dimensional geometries[pdf]
Physical Review A Volume 82, 033804 (2010). Eden Rephaeli, Jung-Tsung Shen, and Shanhui Fan
- [Invited paper] Transmission through a scalar wave three-dimensional electromagnetic metamaterial and the implication for polarization control [pdf]
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Nanophotonics Special Issue. Volume 10, 1737 (2010). Jonghwa Shin, Jung-Tsung Shen, and Shanhui Fan
- Two-electron transport in a quantum waveguide having a single Anderson impurity [pdf] New Journal of Physics, 11 113024 (2009). Jung-Tsung Shen and Shanhui Fan
- Universal Features of Coherent Photonic Thermal Conductance in Multi-layer Photonic Band Gap Structures
Physical Review B Volume 80, 155135(2009). Wah Tung Lau, Jung-Tsung Shen and Shanhui Fan
Press coverage: Featured story in APS Focus (2009). [link]
Press coverage: Selected by the editors of Physical Review B as “Editor’s Suggestion”.
- Theory of single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide. I. Coupling to a cavity containing a two-level atom
Physical Review A, Volume 79, 023837 (2009). Jung-Tsung Shen and Shanhui Fan
- Theory of single-photon transport in a single-mode waveguide. II. Coupling to a whispering-gallery resonator containing a two-level atom
Physical Review A, Volume 79, 023838 (2009). Jung-Tsung Shen and Shanhui Fan
- Three-Dimensional Meta-Materials With An Ultra-High Effective Refractive Index Over Broad Bandwidth
Physical Review Letters, Volume 102, 093903 (2009). Jonghwa Shin, Jung-Tsung Shen, and Shanhui Fan
Press coverage: Featured in Optics and Photonics News, Vol 6, Story 2 (2009). link
One dimensional experimental confirmation link
Two dimensional experimental confirmation link
Three dimensional experimental confirmation link
- Tuning Coherent Radiative Thermal Conductance in Multilayer Photonic Crystals
Applied Physics Letters, Volume 92, 103106 (2008). Wah Tung Lau, Jung-Tsung Shen, Georgios Veronis, and Shanhui Fan
- Spatial Coherence of Thermal Electromagnetic Field in The Vicinity of a Dielectric Slab
Physical Review E, Volume 76, 016601 (2007). Wah Tung Lau, Jung-Tsung Shen, Georgios Veronis, and Shanhui Fan
- Three-Dimensional Electromagnetic Metamaterials that Homogenize to Uniform Non-Maxwellian Media
Physical Review B, Volume 76, 113101 (2007). Jonghwa Shin, Jung-Tsung Shen, and Shanhui Fan
- Stopping Single Photons in One-Dimensional Circuit Quantum Electrodynamics Systems
Physical Review B, Volume 75, 35320 (2007). Jung-Tsung Shen, M. L. Povinelli, Sunil Sandhu, and Shanhui Fan
- Strongly Correlated Multiparticle Transport in One-dimension Through a Quantum Impurity
Physical Review A, Volume 76, 062709 (2007). Jung-Tsung Shen and Shanhui Fan
- Strongly Correlated Two-Photon Transport in One-Dimensional Waveguide Coupled to A Two-Level System
Physical Review Letters, Volume 98, 153003 (2007).Jung-Tsung Shen and Shanhui Fan
Experimental confirmation of our prediction — photonic bound states link
- [Invited paper] Cut-Through Metal Slit Array as an Anisotropic Metamaterial Film
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics In Quantum Electronics, Volume 12, 1116-1122 (2006) Jonghwa Shin, Jung-Tsung Shen, Peter B Catrysse, and Shanhui Fan
- Guided Modes Supported by Plasmonic Films with a Periodic Arrangement of Subwavelength Slits
Applied Physics Letters, Volume 88, 031101 (2006). Peter B. Catrysse, Georgios Veronis, Hocheol Shin, Jung-Tsung Shen, and Shanhui Fan
- Coherent Single Photon Transport in a One-Dimensional Waveguide Coupled with Superconducting Quantum Bits
Physical Review Letters, Volume 95, 213001 (2005). Jung-Tsung Shen and Shanhui Fan
- Coherent Photon Transport from Spontaneous Emission in One-Dimensional Waveguides
Optics Letters, Volume 30, Issue 15, pp. 2001-2003 (2005). Jung-Tsung Shen and Shanhui Fan
- Mechanism for Designing Metallic Metamaterials with a High Index of Refraction
Physical Review Letters, Volume 94, 197401 (2005).
Jung-Tsung Shen, P. B Catrysse, and Shanhui Fan
Press coverage: Physical Review Focus and CERN Courier.
The metamaterial work is featured in OPN’s Optics in 2006: “Metallic Metamaterials with a High Index of Refraction”. Optics and Photonics News, Volume 17, 34 (2006).
The theory of high-index metamaterials has been experimentally verified by a research group in Germany.
- Properties of a One-Dimensional Metallophotonic Crystal
Physical Review B, Volume 70, 035101 (2004). Jung-Tsung Shen and P. M. Platzman
- Near Field Imaging with Negative Dielectric Constant Lenses
Applied Physics Letters, Volume 80, Issue 18, pp. 3286-3288 (2002). Jung-Tsung Shen and P. M. Platzman
- patent Photonic molecule laser: A new class of coherent lasers outputting photonic dimers.
- patent Resonant antennas : an antenna design that makes use of metamaterials
US Patent 6661392 (Issue date Dec 9, 2003). Eric D. Isaacs, Philip Platzman, Jung-Tsung Shen - patent Metamaterials with enhanced nonlinearity : enhanced optical nonlinearity using artificially engineered photonic materials
Jung-Tsung Shen, Daniel Ironside - patent Imaging using metamaterials
Jung-Tsung Shen, Yuecheng Shen, Lihong Wang