Quantum Nano-Photonics Group Received DARPA Grant

Jung-Tsung Shen is developing a prototype of a quantum photonic-dimer laser with a two-year, $1 million grant from the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) of the U.S. Department of Defense. With the funding, Shen will implement his lab’s two-color photonic dimer laser technology, in which carefully controlled pairs of light particles, or photonic dimers, […]

Quantum Nano-Photonics Group Received NSF Quantum Leap (RAISE) Award

Quantum technology is expected to play a decisive role in enhancing national security and bolstering further scientific discovery. A team of scientists, led by J.T. Shen at Washington University in St. Louis, is seeking to boost quantum information science and technology, particularly in the emerging areas of quantum computation and communication. Press release: https://engineering.wustl.edu/news/2018/Shen-leads-team-seeking-to-improve-quantum-computation.html

Quantum Photonic Molecule Laser Patent is Granted

Conventional lasers output coherent states of single photons. A couple of years ago, we predicted that photons can form bound states — the photonics molecules, which is a new type of quantum photonic states. Loosely speaking, we quantum mechanically glue two red photons together so that the two-photon group behaves like a green photon in […]